Thursday, December 20, 2018

Farewell 2 Arms

It is with great sadness that we
say good-bye to Norman.

Although he was only with us 
for a short time,
he became not only a part of
our family - but
a part of the entire neighborhood.

We know that to some
he seemed cold and a little standoffish,
maybe even flaky -
but to most of us...

well, we.ll miss him.

Rest in Pieces Little Buddy.

Only the immediate family will attend the service.
Donations, however, may be sent to;
Scott's Turf Builder.

                         Thank you.

In a grizzly turn of events a second body has been discovered at the site of the Norman disappearance.

In what police are suggesting was a possible murder-suicide pact, the remains of Rosy has been discovered very near the location where not long ago Norman's remains were uncovered.  Investigators are working to solve the case, which has shaken this quiet community.

Film at 11.


Robert said...

Thanks so much for the touching tribute.

Pauline said...

Frosty isn't frosty anymore!