Sunday, January 1, 2017

Just Out of View

There was a real-life bunny in the yard this morning, he wore no vest, I saw no pocket watch, and yet he seemed as though he were late for an appointment. 

I'm thinking this could be a very unusual world to live in if my brain were comprised half of Steven Kings and half of Lewis Carroll’s.   It's all together possible that Zelda Fitzgerald had such a brain.  She was a brilliant writer as well as a talented artist, but as viewed by society, she was diagnosed and labeled insane.  She was locked in a room, treated, using the methods of the times, and died when the hospital burned down.

I expect more than half of those sitting in movie theatres allow themselves to be drawn into the action taking place up on the big screen.  Of those, a good percentage walk away inspired.  They picture themselves as the hero, or as one who would have seen the danger coming ahead of time and would have saved the day.

I am not such a person.  I see the action taking place, but my inward eye also sees the camera man, the boom operator and dozens of crew members standing just out of view.  I believe the majority of my life has taken place just out of view.  Even my personality is off to the side just a little, and that's fine, I'm not complaining.  Under the heading of, Self Discovery, I find that the bigger part of me is locked in a room somewhere, and I'm pacing back and forth smelling for smoke.

I have always had that sense of urgency, which I believe has negatively affected my writing over the years.  I never really had anything to say but felt I better get it said quickly.  Therefore my pieces have been short, perhaps abbreviated to the point of confusing.

I do not compare myself with Zelda's talent, nor do I believe it to be my destiny to die in a locked room, unable to escape the methods of the times.
What does concern me, however, is what is just out of view.



1 comment:

Pauline said...

A Beautiful Mind is what you have and the name Zobostic also starts with a "Z" like Zelda and you have tons and tons of talent! You are unique and clever and funny and different. OK - I'm prejudice!!