Monday, June 13, 2016

The Crow with Raven Hair

So gorgeous was this massive crow
the one with Raven hair
to lite upon my balcony
completely unaware -
that seed was spread there at her feet
she didn't seem to care.

Who ARE you? She questioned me
such quantities of seed
to have at your disposal
these things you'll never need?

Her eyebrow raised, her wings on hips
awaiting my reply -
And who are you to question me?
I looked her eye to eye,

Well, I'm the crow, I'm sure you see
with looks beyond compare -
A gorgeous crow before you
and one with raven hair.

Perhaps you are a lovely crow,
though I've not seen you fly -
and not a single seed you've had
I have to question why?

You're here upon my balcony
and question why I feed
feathered friends outside my door?
Because I see a need.

I feed the Jays, and Swallows
The Doves and Robins too -
though even I have not enough
to feed the likes of you.

Your massive size and appetite
would send me to my death -
"Funny you should mention that."
and I drew my final breath.

Death has taken many forms
a spirit in the air -
how cruel to have it come to me
a crow with raven hair.

A talking crow - with attitude
lites on my balcony -
how was I to ever know
that she was there for me?

And who is left to feed the birds
the crackles and the doves
who shall tend the balcony
while I am up above?

And who did choose my time to die
too soon and so unfair -
twas you, a very lovely crow
the one with raven hair.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

I swear you need to be published. That may just be my next mission in this life. Your talent is amazing!!