Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Bug's Life

The sun felt warm and good.  The breeze was slight and so the surface of the lake was calm.  Off in the distance she could hear the sound of a motorboat.  She had heard that noise before and so paid no attention.

The lily pad rolled a little as the water moved and it was gently rocking her to sleep.  Had she been fully awake she may have noticed the sound of the motorboat getting closer; and when it zoomed past the pier the wave flipped her like a pancake, the lily pad curled at the edge and she suddenly found herself submerged and clinging to the underside of the pad.

She was now wide awake, hanging on for dear life, all the while holding her breath.  She told herself not to panic but it was way too late.  Her little heart was thumping as she scrambled to get to the edge of the pad and get herself back on top.

She could tell the waves were not yet done as the next one rocked her up and down, back and forth along with the plant she clung to.  The sunlight was lighting the water around the edge of the lily pad so she knew she was almost back to safe territory.  Once she could pull herself over the edge she’d no longer have to worry about the fish below having her for a snack and she could take a big gulp of air.
Her tiny legs grasped the rounded edge of the leaf and as her face came up out of the water she took a quick breath.  It felt good but she was still in panic mode and scrambling to get all the way on top.  The next wave was not as forceful as the first had been and even though she was still mostly submerged she could breathe and just hung on as tight as she could.

Returning now to just a gentle rocking she climbed back up on the surface and quickly moved closer to the center of the lily pad.  She would be safer there and could now rest up from her sudden and unwanted adventure.  The warm sun felt great but something was not right.  She wasn’t sure what but she’d had this feeling before.  As she scooted around to get a different view she suddenly noticed the sticky pink frog tongue headed her way.








1 comment:

Pauline said...

Very Well Written - I was glued to My Pad!