Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Zobostic – at the speed of Write


Within the vast expanse that is the galaxy of my cognitive ability, I have discovered my thoughts to be neither vast nor expansive.  In fact, just a few light beers ago I came up with the following;

Cremation is not a right -
but something you must urn.

I believe it was that particular thought that caused me to examine my relationship with the English language.  To date, I have toyed with it, batted it about as if it were nothing more than something to be battered about.  But now, sober and alert, I can see the error of my ways.

My commitment to you is this:  Never again shall I dangle a participle; I will allow all verbs the action they deserve, and I'll treat proper nouns properly. (Some of them anyway)

Of course I may slip back into my old ways now and again.  I’m only human.  But I will give it my best, for this is my blog and it deserves nothing less. 

I leave it here, tucked towards the back of this cyberspace drawer, next to Gideon’s, to be read whenever you’re feeling a lack of silliness.  Pick it up, thumb through it.  Select anything at random and there you’ll be.


Your Pal

Zobostic Corwin



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