Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Left Alone

There is a self-serve ice-cream bar
at the Mall.

I watched a person fill the small container
with two healthy scoops
of Vanilla.

Then, walking so slowly -  with
such deliberation -
choose topping after topping.

Hot fudge, sprinkles - chopped
peanuts and tiny M&M type candies -

Half way around and the hand holding the cup
could no longer be seen.

Covered with Caramel - dripping with Hot
Fudge, and shredded coconut.

He was leaving a trail for all to follow.
His face held signs of various samples.

He had paid his money and now
determined, was going to get his
money’s worth…

I sat and watched
from a distant table -

A child
on tip-toes - reaching…

he wasn’t.  He was at least 60.
He was involved with his project.

The kid inside him had found his way to
the surface -
and his wife was still off shopping.

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