Sunday, October 20, 2013

Crisp Bacon - 3 Eggs Scrambled - Coffee & Toast

The Admiral loves his breakfast and considers it to be the most important time of the day.  As the story goes – he once sent a sailor to the brig for 30 days just for knocking on his door during breakfast.  There are even people in Washington who would never dare interrupt the Admiral until long after his second cup of coffee.

It is reported that his coffee maker makes a sound like a fog horn as it is brewing a cup.  The Admiral lives in a sprawling 5 bedroom, 3 bath ranch-style home on Putrid Sound.  It was the rather large air-raid siren atop the 75 foot tower that had caused people to change the name of the area to Putrid Sound, for two eagles had constructed a large nest right inside of the siren, and the first time it was tested the twigs and sticks that were used in the construction of the nest acted like reeds in a musical instrument.  The air pressure and vibration coming through the nest made an awful and quite putrid sound.

The eagles no longer inhabit the nest and nobody has ever bothered to clean it out so on the third Tuesday of every other month it is tested and the entire town groans at the sound of it.

            The Admiral’s home sits about 200 yards behind this ship.


 Knowing the Admiral never sees this side of the ship
they have altered it just slightly.

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