Monday, January 31, 2022

Quantum Spaghetti


     Sir Emerald Rhinestone Esq. in 1963, developed a formula to prove his quantum spaghetti theory, whereby, putting to rest, all the naysayers and crackpots alleging his project should have stayed on the back burner.

     Heretofore, and before now, anyone suggesting spaghetti tastes better the second day, was scoffed at.  Even television cooking shows avoided the subject, although Julia Child was heard saying, “No thanks, I’m going to wait until tomorrow.”

     Assistants for Mrs. Child would neither confirm nor deny that her comment was in reference to spaghetti.


Sunday, January 30, 2022

ZC on Aging...


Circling the drain

Going with the flow

Just a touch insane

A sock on every toe,

Ham and eggs for lunch

It’s my turn up at bat

We hide behind and scrunch

A little party hat,

SURPRISE – another year

You haven’t made it yet

Make a wish and blow


                                    rest – 

                                                                 I just forget.


Morning Frost


We keep it outside, we cover the plants

The roofs and the lawns turn white –

We leave on our socks, add a blanket or two

Sleep comfy and cozy all night.


Weathermen tell us when it’s on the way

We brace for the worst there can be –

Sometimes they’re wrong, the weather is fine

We just have to sit back and see.


As it happens sometimes, while I toss, and I turn

The covers end up on my side –

I haven’t a clue, till the snoring is through

That the frost isn’t only outside.

Saturday, January 29, 2022




I ordered some pixels,

I wonder what they could be –

What were dots on my screen

are no longer seen,

yet out for de-livery,

Not sure

how this got its start,

my mouse dropped a few

in a cart –

The cart rolled away –

just yesterday

now FedEx has brought them

to me.

Just what can I do

with these pixels,

There’s more than you’d think

in a box –

As a late-night treat

the blue ones are sweet,

but the brown ones

smell like my socks.

I’d like to return

all these pixels –

I can’t be accountable

for that,

My mouse ran amuck –

my curser got stuck

I think I need me

a cat.


Friday, January 28, 2022

Based on True Events


On the carpeted area at gate 23, a small child played with his toy truck.  My initial thought was of the horrendous number of germs that kid must be picking up from the filthy carpet.  On the other hand, he wasn’t fussing, crying or pestering anyone, so no one cared.

Without the winter storm that had been predicted, arrivals and departures were all on time.  It seemed the usual amount of hassle for an airport.  I had some time to kill before my flight to Chicago, so I headed over to the snack bar and bought a bagel and black coffee.  By the time I returned to my seat, I noticed everyone at gate 23 had boarded.  This whole area was now much quieter.  The airline lady working the counter shut her computer down and then disappeared through the same door everyone else had gone through to board the plane.

I spread out my little tissue paper on the seat next to me and set my bagel down while I pried the lid from my coffee.  As I looked around for a trash receptacle to toss the plastic lid away, I noticed the small child was sound asleep on the carpet, his little truck tucked in his arms.  I couldn’t believe this.  Somehow his parents had boarded the plane, completely forgetting about the little guy laying just below the row of chairs.

I thought about running across to the door that led to the plane and start banging on it, but by now I’m sure the door to the plane was closed and the ramp had been pulled away.  There would be nobody to hear me pounding.  I looked up at the ceiling for one of those security cameras.  Surely, we were being watched.  We’re always being watched. Some TSA people must be watching me on their monitor.  I spotted one and began waving my arms and jumping up and down.  Anyone seeing this behavior would come to investigate.

Come to think of it, where was everyone else?  I haven’t seen any custodial people, no other passengers waiting for the Chicago flight.  How could it be that I was all alone?  I mean, except for the sleeping kid under the seats.  I pulled my cell phone from my pocket and called the main number of the airport.  After several automated transfers, I reached a customer service representative named Betty.  I tried to explain that I was calling from inside the airport.  I was currently at gate 23 and the people who just boarded that flight had somehow left their small child behind.  The kid was presently sleeping under the row of seats.

Betty apparently had security on the line as I was explaining everything, because suddenly a swarm TSA people, and airport security personnel had surrounded me and one of them was telling me to put my phone down.  As I slowly lowered my phone, I pointed with my other hand to the kid under the seats.

Just then, the door that everyone had gone through to board the plane flew open, and the mother of the young boy ran hysterically into the area.  As one of the officers handed the child to her, still asleep, mind you, he said, “He might fit in the overhead.”

Only a couple of us chuckled.  Then, as quick as they all appeared, they were all gone.  I was standing there alone.  I looked across the waiting area at my coffee and bagel, still siting where I had left them.

I looked up at the security camera in the ceiling and waved,

 “You’re welcome.”










Thursday, January 27, 2022

For Obvious Reasons


I’m happiest when truth is on the main road

clean socks are in the drawer

with no Brussel sprouts in sight.

I find comfort in a kind memory

Sunlight streaming in

a familiar tune

and no lingering odor of sprouts.

I should un-elect authority figures

who force vegetables

that have the shape of sprouts,

and never ever

should they be hidden in a sock drawer.


In Today's Mail


There is a sealed letter of great importance.

Ink to pen, stamp licked –

Addressed to current occupant,

Such distance it has traveled.

A person having perfect sight

could never see to the end of such distance.

Jostled about in a mail carrier’s pouch –

Worn shoes on tired feet,

Thoughts of lunch creeping in,

The mail must get through.

Delivered and

finally read by current occupant,

Unfortunate –

The sale ended yesterday.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A Single Note


A single note from distant horn

played a tone inside my dream,

The floodgates opened

with mail galore,

at least – twas what it seemed.

Some lonely face had read my blog

and they – inspired so –

Came out from neith the cyber woods

just to let me know.

The speckled moth that flitters by

takes with him – my attention,

In moments brief I ask him why,

he gave me not a mention.

We cannot know the other side

yet feel them now and then,

When notes are played in distant horns

and life begins again. 



Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Thoughts & Newspapers


Can geese get goosebumps?

Can you go to jail for scaring someone half to death twice?

Are the ticks in electric clocks simply muted?

Is “and back” always twice the distance?

Who decides – the greater good?


Stupid lives on paper

That is, or so I’m told,

In Front Page News

With larger print –

Just above the fold,

Crazy finds its way to you

Sometimes in awful rage,

Its great for warning others

Or the bottom of a cage.



I have no use for papers

I’ll keep my 20 cents,

You can keep your stupid crooks

In obits please

Past tense.


Monday, January 24, 2022

Lonely Heart


It is that I remember

the bottom of a stout,

A single belch was surely

the last of it no doubt.

Another came so freely

from a friend I didn’t know,

Although the rest is foggy

I had several in a row.

I remember too - a painting

it drew my thoughts right in

It felt as if the colors

were painted on my skin.

My wrinkles were the brush strokes

my age was framed in gold,

The wall – a place of honor

where my story would be told.

What I thought at first – a landscape

was instead a tattered face,

Whose gaze was fixed across the room

on someone out of place,

Familiar was this man to me

with the sadness of a fool,

A lonely heart just looking back

from a sad and lonely stool.



Sunday, January 23, 2022

Farm to Landfill


Vines in the field no longer crawl

Willows forever cry –

Tomatoes have no scent at all,

Please farmer, tell me why?

You’ve made the berries bigger

While flavors fallen short,

Someone’s pulled the trigger

GMO’s fill the court.

Lettuce has been recalled

beef is off the table,

I can’t eat anything at all –

Once I’ve read the label.

Uncle Sam gave subsidies

John Deers' computerized,

How farmer do you sleep at night

Plowing through such lies?

Saturday, January 22, 2022



They catch the ball

avoid the horde –

To put some points

up on the board,

We pay them well

I’m not sure why –

These Lions & Tigers

and Bears - oh my.

Helmets and padding

there’s nothing they lack –

We put their name

across their back,

The quarterback’s paid

the absolute most –

The kicker aims

between the posts.

The Ref jumps in

to all the action –

Should he spot

a slight infraction.

With seconds left

it can get scary –

You hold your breath

and say,

Hail Mary.



Wednesday, January 19, 2022

My Trip to the Dentist


I know this much – when a dog shows its teeth, you get back – stay away.


So yesterday, I go to this new dentist office and right off the bat, the receptionist is showing me her teeth.


Did I hear a snarl?  I’m not sure.


I fill out the forms, balancing a clipboard on my knees.


Around the room, sitting quietly, but looking worried, are other people.  None of them showing me their teeth.


Somehow, I knew better than to reach out and pat one of them on the head.

No one seemed very friendly.


I was hoping I was worried for nothing.  I know how I get.  I tried to remember if I had brought any treats with me.


I checked my pockets.


A lady across the room showed me her teeth.  I wondered if she knew I was looking for a treat.


A door opened.  Someone called for King.  King?


A man got up slowly, his head hanging down – like he had been up on the couch or something.  He reluctantly walked towards the lady calling his name.


I thought I heard him whimper.



Monday, January 17, 2022


 Remembering where we left off is usually important.  More so, to a surgeon than someone eating breakfast.

(Oh yes, I was about to bite this muffin).

At my age I am down to a handful of bookmarks.  Consequently, I’ve become very picky as to where I use them.

When I get up from my chair and instantly forget where I was headed, I don’t bother with a bookmark.  I just sit back down until it comes to me.  If the doorbell rings again, then I say, “Oh yah, I was going to answer the door.

Should I get an idea for a story, I immediately write down some notes.  All too often something will interrupt my train of thought.  These notes act as my bookmark.

Not that my notes ever make sense.

This entire bookmark process follows a linear progression, which is tied directly to age.  It just makes sense that the less time remaining, the fewer bookmarks needed, and yet, the catch to that is, the older you become, the more forgetful you are.

This isn’t anything you are going to win.  It’s just the way it is.

Of course, the last bookmark, letting everyone know where we left off, gets tucked into the pages of our history by someone else.

OK, look -

I didn't set off to write anything depressing.  It's this darn pen.  Turns out, it was given to me by a mortician and the only reason I know that is because of the advertising on it.  It's just such a nice pen - I hate to toss it out.

Maybe I can scrape the advertising off with this little pocket knife.  Complements of: Suicide Prevention Center - Gary Indiana.


And before I go, I have one final question.  Why is it always the same building that says, Sewing Machines & Vacuum Cleaner Repair?  Why are those two always together?

I'm just asking...


Sunday, January 16, 2022

Welcome Back


I recognize you; you were just here yesterday.

Here’s the thing:  I’m thinking of adding advertising to my blog, but before I do, I’d like to get your opinion.

Personally, I hate things popping up here and there all the time on my monitor.  What I have in mind is something small, not real intrusive, and of course it would have to be a product I believe in.

That part is the stumbling block for me.  Just what is out there that is really worth the money they are asking for? 

I mean, there are products I like, but then there are those who say they are bad for you.  I certainly don’t want to advertise anything questionable.

Another thing, I like Coke over Pepsi, but I don’t wish to alienate all of my viewers who drink Pepsi.  I like Subway sandwiches, but then – many people say they should make them look as good as their advertising.  Well, that gets us into a whole other can of worms.  Not that they put worms in their sandwiches, I’m just saying – let’s not get into that whole truth-in-advertising thing.  Yikes.  We’d be here all day.

You know, let’s forget it.  I’m not going to be advertising anything.  You didn’t come here to read ads; you came for the gibberish.  Let’s stick to what we know.

Thanks for listening.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

I have Questions


         I would like to better understand dark matter.  What is it made of?  Would it hold me if I stood on it?  Could I break a piece off?  Why is it only in space?  Is it evil?  If I went into it, would my compass still point North? 

        What flavor is it?  Because it is in space, is it always quiet?  Is it alive?  Growing?  If I wanted to take it's pulse, where would I touch it?  How much does it weigh, and just what would I set my scale on in order to weigh it?

        If light cannot pass through it, could a really sharp needle?

Is it squishy?  Does it exist anywhere other than in space?  Could there be some under my bed?  I think there is.

        Does Neil Tyson know more than he is telling us?  Does it have value, like gold or an extended warrantee?  And what about moving parts - does that matter?  If it does have moving parts, is there friction?  Should we be developing space oil?  Is it really up to us to fix it if it breaks?

        Is it hot or cold?  Is it room temperature, and if so - which room?  If it is like my basement then it is probably dark matter clammy.  Could a minor's canary live in it?

        Does it dissipate, or ever need refilling?  Is it like a storage area, where we can put stuff until later?

        How far away is the nearest one, to say... Boston?  Is a black hole the same as dark matter?  What about a worm hole?  Does it have several sections, like an actual worm?

        How long would it take Gorilla glue to dry in dark matter?  If dark matter is surrounded by space, with zero gravity, then what keeps it where it is?  Is it floating around?  If I take a picture of it, should I leave my flash off?

    If any of you have any answers, please let me know,  especially about the drying time.




Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Gnats of the Baskerville

 Frightening in their many

squishy in their swat -

when hiding, don't see any

they're evil when they plot,

Swarming they attack you

furiously you flail,

keep them in a Mason jar

catch them by the tail,

with jar above a candle

their temperature will rise,

it's best to use an oven mitt

don't look into their eyes,

Beware the gnats of Baskerville

take time to catch your breath,

tales from here and back again

annoy some folks to death.


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

That's why the TV is on

 There was a time

I had a full door of knocks.

In my youth

some went unanswered.

Oft times

my phone would boil over with rings.

The wind has since

carried old age into my house.


it seems so quiet.


Cub Reporters



The Market is a momma Bear

at least that is the poop –

no cubs around reporting

capturing the scoop,

The bottom of the cage is void

there’s no more muck to rake,

Yahoos now reporting –

all the news is fake.

The obits all are bloated

a virus spread like cheese,

elbows get the worst of it

it’s where we’re told to sneeze.

Everybody works from home

the fridge is way too near,

smoke’em if you got’em –

have yourself a beer.

Every day is casual

the world has gone to pot –



where was I?







Monday, January 10, 2022

An Amazing Talent


I don’t know if this is true or not, but someone once told me that whenever Shakespeare wasn’t writing plays, he wrote Country Western songs.

Some of his more famous were, she’s got the rhythm – I got the blues.  And who could forget, she’s acting single - I’m drinking doubles?

I had no idea he’d written that.


Friday, January 7, 2022

They said...

 I could take only one thing.

The obvious choice would seem the gold coin.
How could I go wrong with that?

Then again, maybe that key opens some castle door.
I expect that isn't too likely, but it must unlock

Ah... that unassuming raffle ticket.
It could very well be a winner.  Who knows?

OK, I can tell you're wondering what I picked.

I took the leather couch.

Hang it here - on the Blog

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thoughts spilled over



hides behind excuses.






stands in line holding a number.



is flexible.



is harsh.



appears weak.



is never justice.





Wednesday, January 5, 2022

I am the Doorknob


I am the glass doorknob.  I currently reside inside this wooden crate, along with a variety of lessor knobs, and handles.  During my day, I sparkled and opened a door that only a privileged few could enter.  Never, however, did any stranger grab me.  It was always just William, the doorman.  William and I go back years.  Boy, the stories I could tell you.

Now, resting quietly within this antique shop, I seem unimportant, common.  I have been tossed aside with no more value than a picket fence without a yard.  Most of the items here in the shop aren’t impressed when I mention who I let enter.  I guess that isn’t so important anymore. 

I know that table lamp over there thinks she’s hot stuff.  She came in with those end tables and that pedestal ashtray.  Personally, I don’t care for the fringe around her shade.  It’s just a little gaudy if you ask me.  She thinks she’s so bright.  A bit of a smart aleck, I’d say.

I don’t think anyone has ever heard a peep from the ashtray.  He just stands there, not even looking around.  He seems so sad.  Maybe ashamed of what he is, of what he stood for all those years.  Surrounded by thick clouds of smoke, covered in ash… what’s there to be proud of?  I’d be willing to bet, however, that he’s heard some juicy gossip, back-room deals, maybe even government secrets.  I don’t see anyone buying him anytime soon.

I hear customers sometimes saying there is a musty smell in here.  I, of course, can’t smell anything, but based on the age of this store, it probably does have some kind of odor.  I’ve never seen anyone mopping the floor.  They are old, wooden floors, that squeak under the weight of the people walking around.  The windows are never opened.  I doubt the owner has ever considered letting some fresh air in here.  Boy, wouldn’t that be nice.  Fresh air and sunlight, even for just an hour.  How nice would that be?

Well, I see little Mrs. Snooty lamp has been marked down.  I wonder what kind of spin she’ll put on that.

Hey!  That large painting is gone.  That’s a shame, I liked that picture.  It always reminded me of something…  I forget what, but I always got a good feeling looking at it. The colors were warm and inviting, and it always looked so familiar.  I can almost think of what it reminded me of.  Nuts, that’s going to fester.  What was that?

The little bell over the front door just tinkled.  Someone is coming in.  Maybe someone looking for a glass doorknob.  Who knows?  Never mind. I’m not holding my breath.

Saturday – a week ago, just after closing, the pedestal ashtray spoke to us.

“I’m sorry, I haven’t been very friendly.”  No one else said anything, but Mrs. Snooty lamp clicked her light on.

 “Actually, until now, I didn’t really know if I should say anything or not.”

Still, no one else spoke.

“I used to be in a private club.  Only members were allowed in.  It really was very exclusive.  The thing is, I was always in a position to see things, and especially to hear things.  I always knew what was going on, who was in favor, who owed money to whom, and so on”.

Everything in the old antique shop was listening.  This was amazing.  The ashtray was spilling his guts.  Of course, none of us knew why all of a sudden he decided to talk, but that didn’t matter.  Everyone was hanging on every word.

“From what I can tell, it all started with a Lotto ticket.  As best as I can tell, it was folded in with a twenty-dollar bill that was handed to the doorman as a tip.

William, the doorman noticed it right away and tried to hand it back to the gentleman who had handed it to him, but the man refused to take it back.  William ended up getting 11 million from the state lotto commission.”

I couldn’t help it, I had to speak up.  “I knew William.  I was the glass doorknob he used for all those years.”

“Then you must have missed him.  He was in here the other week and bought the painting that was hanging on that wall over there.”

It was then I suddenly remembered where I had seen that painting before.  It had hung in the club for years.

to be continued






The Sponsor's Daughter


She was to be used as the product’s spokesperson, but she couldn’t remember her lines, her voice was high and squeaky, and she was terribly shy.


Uncoordinated, she dropped the product each time during their attempt to film it.


Finally, due to cost and schedule issues, the frustrated director put an X on the sidewalk outside of the studio.  6 feet away he taped another X.  He gave the little girl simple directions. 

Hold this so we can see the label, and walk from this X to that X.   We will snap your picture as you’re walking.


At that point, a loud crack of thunder could be heard, and it began to rain like crazy.


“Someone give the kid an umbrella.  We’re doing this.”


and the picture was taken.


Monday, January 3, 2022



I have accidently pushed the tab key in my brain, now I find myself starting things just a tad later than I normally would.  Everything I do seems just a bit moved over.

People have often told me I was a little off, but they were saying that long before I pushed the tab key.

I can mostly blend in when I’m in a crowd.  Most people are so interested in what they have to say, that by the time I’ve caught up to the conversation there have been adequate lulls to cover my non-participation.

Some, of course, just assume that I’m one of those quiet types. Maybe not so much shy, as just boring.  Sometime, if I don’t really care about the subject at hand, I focus on the things I do enjoy.  For example, I really like the blue color of peanut M&M’s.  I wouldn’t mind having a Mustang that color.  I’d want it to be a 5.0 V-8, manual shift, and as long as were dreaming, I’d like it to come with a 100,000 bumper to bumper warranty.

But I digress.  I really need to figure out how to undo my mental tab.  Unlike my computer, I haven’t any undo key stroke, and I’ve not yet encountered human white-out.

That, however, would be for mistakes.  So far my only mistake has been that stupid tab key.


Any thoughts?