Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Sorry I've been away for so long,
but as you can see - 
I've been shopping.

I just bought this little house you see behind me.

As soon as I get unpacked
I will be back writing all the things
you've come to know and love.


Sunday, May 10, 2020

Your call is important to us

Let me please begin by saying, I do not mind when you have to place my phone call on hold, but you should be aware, everyone you place on hold quickly discovers what terrible taste you have in music.

I'm just saying...

No, don't be looking over there.  It's you.  You know it is obnoxious music, and yet you continue to force your customers and potential customers to listen to it while you're off grabbing a bologna sandwich or Snickers bar.

Do us all a favor;  pull the plug on the music.  We'd rather hear nothing but our lives passing by, than your scratchy, hideous noise.

Okay.  I'm done now. 
