Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lowest Bidder

Dear International Space Station

Hello from Zobostic,

According to Google I have 60 views from Unknown Region.  

As Google is plugged into all life on this planet I can only assume the Unknown Region is not a location on Earth.

Its gotta be you guys. 

Anyway, I just wanted to say Thanks for visiting my Blog and keep up the good work.


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Stark Raven

my existence consists of intravenous stands

                 electronic boxes with lights

                                                             and  beeps

        curtain rods on the ceiling
with drapes that encircle  

                                                            my bed

                                                               white squeaky shoes

                             on   nurses

                                antiseptic smells

 strong enough to knock 

                                     the dance out of Jell-O

           but in my mind's eye

                               I am home

it's someone else whispering,

"Never more."

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

It's my Left Hand that Suffers

That's the one holding the nail while my unthinking, care-free right hand swings the hammer.

Trimming fingernails is yet another poorly developed skill.  For that one, however, it's my right hand that's in harm's way and at the mercy of my left.

In either case, it doesn't seem a well thought out system.

I know... lets make one side dominant and one side stupid.

Is this really the best plan?

And just where is technology when all this is going on?  They can make a smart TV, a smart phone and a smart car;  so why not a hammer that can sense a thumb in it's path?

That's all i'm saying...

Monday, August 19, 2019

How we must look

from inside the aquarium.


Some Pharmacists graduated at the top of their class.

Some just barely squeaked by.

Maybe we should label more than the bottles.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Assisted Living

I just want to go on the record saying
I think this is a bad idea.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


This morning I discovered a connection between
Ingrid Bergman and John Candy.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

After the Storm

Her cat's name was Nelson.
It took a few hours but they finally
found each other.

She'd worry about finding her shoes 
after she located her little brother.

Friday, August 2, 2019

In Hoc

(Lat. In this; in reference to this)

It was not presented in its physical form
to the jury but was referenced throughout
the trial by each side and shown in this 
photograph as exhibit B.

As we all witnessed that afternoon -
even in its absence it held observable 
power to unlock the truth.