Saturday, February 25, 2017

18 something to 19 something

I try to read them
the old poets
So called prose
dressed only in their dust jackets

memories not my own
fragments of thoughts
mostly of war and winter soldiers
So called  prose,

I find it difficult
to navigate their language
under the blanket of time

Things so large and important
passed with them
most unresolved
and without jackets
now themselves subjected to dust,

My interpretation -
after a refreshing beverage,
seams the right one.

Z. Corwin

Literary Architect

Were I a literary architect
I'd sketch myself a noun
tag each verb electrically
to a coffee colored ground,
A fevered pitch upon my roof
window treatment lace
a paragraph of curb appeal
up a spiraling staircase,
As a literary architect
I'd support my prepositions
with upright nouns at either end
without much repetition,
In a sellers market - use my verbs
perhaps a metaphor
landscape every consonant
to plant a bidding war,
A lucky horseshoe driveway
so I'd never change a tense
a small conjunction swinging gate
to pass my picket fence.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


"Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there,
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."

This is not my work, but an excerpt from a poem I came across.  I liked it and placed it here for you to enjoy as well.  It is by: William Hughes Mearns, 1899


and it has nothing to do with this one...

He left his clothes upon the chair,
she was a widow, so she said -
but he was apprehended bare,
by one who rose up from the dead.

Author unknown

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Pat Pending

Dear Pat,

You are the biggest crook I know.  You and the government officials you bribe should all go to jail, but not a nice jail, one with mirrors where windows should be, so every time you go to look out, instead of seeing the sun, the trees and the flowers, you see a reflection of the biggest crook I know.

You disgust me, but not like when I reach into an old box in the basement and feel something furry, but like when a crook does something so despicable it disgusts me.  

Yes, you know what you did.  The patent was running out on the pill you make, so instead of letting it expire and become affordable you slip the pill into a capsule and tell the world you made a change to it, so now you can extend the patent, keeping the price way too high and cheating your fellow man. 

You and your politician pals should all go to cheater's prison.

OK, that's all I wanted to say about that.

Sorry if I was a little harsh.
      Zobostic Corwin



Friday, February 17, 2017

It's a long story...


Several years ago I spotted a watch I liked.  After questioning
the clerk for some time about the quality and dependability I ended up buying it.
The watch preformed many more functions than I would 
ever need or use, but it seemed substantial and I liked the way it looked.
One day at the office my cohorts and I heard a strange 
beeping coming from the wall thermostat. We called building maintenance and had them check it out.  They could find nothing wrong.
A week later it started up again.  We called the maintenance
department and they replaced the thermostat.
The following week two office mates scooted their chairs
over to me.  They both started laughing.  The mysterious beep was coming from my watch.
Unable to decipher the operating instructions and disarm 
the watch, I stopped wearing it.  I tossed it in my dresser drawer and forgot about it.
Three years later, lying in bed, my wife says, 
"What's that beeping?"
We get up and begin searching the room.  Of course, 
my watch had once again come to life.
I carried the watch out to the living room and placed it 
inside the bottom of the grandfather clock, thinking no one will ever hear it inside this monstrosity.
Apparently the internal cavity of the grandfather clock 
acted like an echo chamber.  We could hear the beep loud and clear.
Now, as you can see from the photographs, the watch 
hangs under the paper towels out in the garage.
Maybe, later this summer, if it still insists on beeping, 
I’ll place it on Craigslist, under ANNOYANCE FOR SALE.
Best offer.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Raised in Captivity

and still they play.

Found Him


Foiled Again

Some hotels insist on shining large flood lights at their buildings.  I guess if you're driving by on the freeway you can see them from a distance.

If, however, you are already checked in and trying to sleep...   Good luck with that.

This is why we always pack tin foil in our luggage.