Friday, February 27, 2015

A Gypsy's Thoughts

If I were 3 or 4 maybe I could easily see
what is on the bottom shelf
There are an amazing amount of books
lined up along the bottom shelves that I shall
never read
As well as soups at the market
that will remain un-tasted for the same
Perhaps a nice Squirrel & Mushroom Bisque

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I before Sea


To go

Did you remember to grab the box off the table?
I thought you had it.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Slight Breeze

For all of you technical peeps, all I can say is that I used a simple push-the-button type camera.  I have no clue as to the F-Stop, focus, shutter speed or wind direction.  There were no tricks used in getting this shot.  Also, as no one was in the shirt at the time I did not get a release form signed.
The title of the piece just sort of came to me.
(Brand of shirt is unknown - clothes pins are compression type)

Other title considerations: Trespassing Shutterbug &
                                            Hey, get out of my yard.