Thursday, October 17, 2024

Se laver les mains


The bar of soap itself didn’t look like it was clean.  Yuck.

Come to think of it, this is the first public restroom I’ve seen that uses bar soap.  This doesn’t seem right.

There should be automatic soap dispensers and motion sensors that turn the sink water on and off.  We shouldn’t have to touch anything.

I have seen both ends of the spectrum.  There was a completely disgusting sink in the back room of a gas station once, it was held to the wall with clamps and wire.  There was no soap in sight.  I have also been to places that have attendants offering a selection of after shave lotions, hand cream and shoeshines.  There were scented candles burning and classical music.  The downside to all that was the lounge charged $31.00 for a martini and $18.00 for a draught beer.

My Resolution


    I have purchased an electric stationary bicycle and plan on using it daily, until I’m back in shape.




Snitch wood


The trees in this neighborhood are not Elm, Spruce or Maple.  These are Snitch trees, named for identifying wind direction.
As you can see, the winds are out of the East,
as indicated by tree direction. 

Basic Navigation


"You need only look as far as your memory to find the past.  Your toes will lead you to the future, although should you remain still for too long you become the memory."

and so ran, McNally.

A Train leaves Boston going 70 MPH


I’m here because someone has created spell-check.   Otherwise, I would still be way back there, stumbling over words like Cheboygan and finagle.  Language has never been my friend.  From an early age I had always thought math was going to be my downfall, but as it turns out, language is riddled with rules, exceptions to the rules, punctuation and tenses, just to mention a few, or some, I’m not sure which.

This blog is my swimming pool.  These posts are the same as me sticking in one toe to test the water.  Is it too cold, or to cold, or maybe two cold.  I have no clue.

I’ve not really found a spell-check for math.  There should be one.  Someone should invent it.   Here, do this story problem and when you’re done, click on this and it will automatically correct your thinking.


Another Monday


My hands are cold.  It helps to wrap them around my coffee mug and feel the heat coming through.  Doing that helps me to think of warmer places, places where snow isn’t.  Places where birds can land on branches without causing the branch to creak with brittleness.   Winter here has deadened all sound, except for the raspy scrape of snow shovels.  Where neighbors are bundled up beyond recognition.

Once my coffee is gone, I will go back out and scrape the ice from my windshield.  I will follow the ruts that will lead me to the freeway, that will take me to the building where an office coffee pot awaits, where everyone wraps themselves in memories of the weekend and waits for Friday.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Against the Tide


It's a smirk, people.  She is not beautiful.  I cannot blindly follow the crowd.  It is a stupid smirk.  Mona Lisa is simply a plain-looking person with a goofy expression.

I have seen a painting of a cello more amazing than Lisa.  Just standing in front of it made me feel the music, the depth of the notes, the purity of the sound.  There were no obvious brush strokes, no heavy-handed lighting or roped off gallery display.  It made me wish I knew how to play a cello. 

I understand completely that mine is not the popular view.  I just know beauty when it is in front of me, and I can tell when I’m supposed to be swayed by the opinion of the crowd, but I can’t do it.  It’s not a smile, or grin – it’s a silly smirk on a plain-looking girl.

 Sorry if you're related to her, but that's my opinion.