Thursday, December 26, 2024

Here's the thing...


On Christmas day I tried to light these candles.  Only the one on the right worked.  Nothing I tried did any good on the left one.  Last night, just before bed, I turned the one on the right out, so they were both out.

Sometime during the night, the one on the left came on and it stayed on throughout the night.  I went out there when I got up and turned it off.

Could this possibly be a message from beyond?  Then again, maybe it is just some spiritual comment on my inability to handle a simple task.  Can the spirit world really be sarcastic, or possibly mean spirited?   I’m not really prepared for an afterlife filled with pranksters.

As always, your comments are welcomed.




Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Cookies


Dryer lint, dryer lint

how do you grow

You don’t make good mittens

there’s nothing to sew,

I find it amazing

and a little bit queer,

On laundry day

you simply appear.

Fluffy and soft

I wish that I knew

just what I could make

from a big bunch of you.

I could stuff a pillow

at night rest my head,

but I’d dream of old socks

or blankets long dead.

Maybe make cookies

tasty and nifty –

I'll just add and egg

and bake at 350.

Monday, December 23, 2024

We're putting this one under the tree

 Oh Joy

Our Crazy Uncle


So, we’ve got this crazy cousin in the North woods of Maine, but here’s the thing, he is really an uncle, and Maine is actually Florida, but he is crazy.

I mean, the balloon animals he makes are animals from a different planet that no one has ever seen.  Who knows if they’re right or not?  He spends his time feeding the crows, who knows why?  I remember one time; he didn’t have any motor oil for his car so he pushed a stick of butter into where the oil should go.  He really did.

I remember one time, back when he lived up in Northern Michigan he wasn’t feeling well and told his doctor he thought he’d developed a Petoskey stone.  His doctor suggested he had (GSD) Gift Shop disease and told him to lay off trinkets for at least six months.  

For a long time, he had a pet clam named Murray.  He kept him in a bucket of water.  He claimed he could do tricks.  I remember he bent a wire coat hanger so it had a loop at the end, and when he lowered it into the bucket, Murray would jump through it.  We couldn’t really tell if Murray was jumping or if our crazy Uncle was just sliding the loop under him.

I'll tell you more, as I remember it.





TAG - you're it.


Here’s the thing,

When you wear a tee shirt that carries a saying, message or advertising on it, it’s not only possible, but very likely those reading it automatically associate you with the message you’re displaying.

One obvious issue is the relationship the reader has with the product or service advertised on your shirt.  If they have had a bad experience or encounter, you will forevermore remind them of that experience.  Your relationship will always carry a portion of that negativity. Combing your hair won’t help, neither will bathing or hiding your tattoos.

Short of buying an all-new wardrobe, might I suggest turning your shirt inside out, and if necessary, wear it backwards.  Trust me, everyone you meet will enjoy a completely different impression of you.  Just ignore that little tag sticking out.